45th Annual Conference: Timeless Principles for Thinking Better and Living Fully!
The 2021 Annual Global Conference was held on September 21, October 5 and November 9. Our vast selection of speakers inspired us to continue changing the world for the better through the transformation of value to Relationships > Results > Strategy. All sessions were recorded and are available to all registrants and available for purchase.
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SESSION 1: Hartman: Galileo for the 21st Century Presented by Dave Blanchard
Understand how Hartman's work helps us measure how we think; as an inductive versus deductive science, it helps us get to the headwaters of behavior and our thinking habits. This session will show how to improve your circumstances or ourself: by knowing exactly where to start. Plus, learn how to use the seldom considered six factors in axiology to impact productivity significantly!

SESSION 2: Insights for Today, Wisdom from the Past Panel Discussion with Cliff Hurst, PhD, Art Ellis, PhD, and Catherine Blakemore
You know his name. You may know his legacy. You may use his framework in business. Now you can truly know Robert Hartman on a deeper level by hearing from his own words in never-before-shared audio files and through stories from his top scholars and colleagues.

SESSION 3: Hartman’s Legacy for Future Generations Small Group Discussions with Richard Worthington and Sophie Coulthard
Hartman's principles are as relevant today as ever, as young people in particular struggle with challenges around self-worth, relationships, and money. Richard and Sophie invite you to explore how we can make Hartman's key messages relevant for a younger audience and maybe even turn Hartman into an 'influencer' for the next generation.

SESSION 1: Axiology for the Next Generation: Discussing a Pyramid of Rules Presented by Ron Price
Many of us have dedicated our lives to advancing Robert Hartman's vision for formal axiology, either because of personal relationships with him, academic passion for the topic, or the various versions of the HVP we use in our work with others. What about the next generation? What will motivate them to learn and advance the wisdom of formal axiology? Ron will share his thinking about how to inspire future generations of leaders academically and otherwise.

SESSION 2: How the Meta Structure of Axiology Applies to Everything Presented by Wayne Carpenter, PhD
Learn how the meta structure of axiology can be applied to any concept you can imagine! This presentation is from one of Hartman's own students from his tenure at the University of Tennessee Knoxville.

SESSION 3: Correlating the HVP & the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) Presented by Steve Byrum, PhD
The presentation is based on Steve's research identifying connection points between the two assessment tools. Learn about the relationship of the Maslach Burnout Inventory to the Hartman Value Profile. Plus, discover which HVP indicators are prominent in better understanding the phenomenon of "burnout."

SESSION 1 OPTION: The Third Stage of Capitalism Presented by Cliff Hurst, PhD
Learn how capitalism has evolved through Stage 1 and Stage 2 and what the third stage of capitalism may look like. Join this session to discuss what it would mean if all employees could pursue personal fulfillment through their work and consider what it would mean for profits if this third stage of capitalism was embraced.

SESSION 1 OPTION: Leveraging Axiology and Artificial Intelligence to Increase Client Profitability Presented by Mike Poskey
Learn how Zerorisk uses data analytics and an artificial intelligence engine with Axiology to help businesses become more efficient and profitable. The results help clients positively impact various business key performance indicators by accurately solving critical business problems. Mike will share three different studies and the results after the artificial intelligence engine recommendations were implemented on U.S. businesses.

SESSION 2 OPTION: Intuitive Agility: Competence, Confidence, and Courage in the Midst of Chaos Presented by Jay Morris, PhD
Intuitive Agility is a leadership competency essential in today's world. It embraces our unique gifts and talents to bring about personal well-being. Intuitive Agility can bring light into darkness and remove fear and doubt to allow our Bestself to emerge. Join this session to learn more about Intuitive Agility!

SESSION 3: Daily Habits, Tips & Best Practices for Thinking Better and Living Fully Presented by Chet Marino, Jim Comenzo, and Suzie Price
End your RSHI 45th Annual Conference experience by joining in small groups to connect, share and learn from one another as we recap our top takeaways from the conference. Then we will rejoin the group and share our best practices for thinking better and living fully!