Our vision is to foster value, unity, and well-being through the science of axiology. 


Our Mission

RSHI is dedicated to harnessing the profound insights of formal axiology, the science of value, to create positive transformation in individuals and communities. We strive to empower people with the knowledge and tools necessary to make more informed and ethical decisions, cultivating a world where every individual’s intrinsic worth and contributions are recognized, respected, and enhanced. Through the principles of formal axiology, we aim to foster greater understanding, empathy, and collaboration, ultimately shaping a society that values harmony, justice, and the flourishing of all.


Our Organizational Strategies

Expand Knowledge and Awareness
  • Academic Authority: Increase the presence of formal axiology in academic circles through exposure, presenting, and publication initiatives.
  • Educational Programs: Offer dynamic and accessible educational opportunities to spread the understanding of formal axiology.
  • Practical Applications: Advocate for the use of formal axiology in real-world scenarios based on scientific evidence and application.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Growth: Integrate formal axiology into various fields such as sociology, psychology, business, politics, economics, education, and more.
  • Publish the Journal: Continue to publish and elevate the Journal of Formal Axiology, ensuring it meets high academic standards and reaches a broader audience.
Cultivate Community and Collaboration
  • Engaging Events: Host community events like the annual conference and members-only Hartman Happy Hour to foster dialogue on current axiological application.
  • Inclusive Participation: Encourage diverse voices and perspectives in discussions on formal axiology by remaining tool and product agnostic.
  • Thought Leadership: Collaborate with industry and academic thought leaders to apply Hartman’s work to current societal and professional challenges.
  • Support Network: Provide resources and opportunities for members to study, practice, and apply formal axiology. 
Honor and Promote Hartman's Legacy
  • Publish Writings: Bring Dr. Hartman’s extensive writings to publication, making his insights widely accessible by new audiences.
  • Multimedia Preservation: Protect and share multimedia records of Dr. Hartman’s teachings for future generations including photos, video, and audio.
  • Preserve and Share: Safeguard and disseminate valuable information on formal axiology from the Archives and collections from key axiological thinkers.


For more information on our Membership Code of Ethics, please click here.

For our Policy Statement on the application of the Hartman Value Profile, please click here.