Additional Axiology Books

Frank G. Forrest, Daytona Beach, FL, Valuemetrics: The Science of Personal and Professional Ethics, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 1994)

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Rem B. Edwards, ed., Formal Axiology and Its Critics (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 1995)

Armando Molina, Our Ways: Values and Character, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 1997)
This book seems to be out of stock everywhere
Gary Acquaviva, Violence, Values, and Our Future, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 2000)
Now available for free download!
Robert S. Hartman, The Knowledge of Good, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 2002). Co edited by Rem B. Edwards and Arthur Ellis
Leon Pomeroy, The New Science of Axiological Psychology, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 2005)
Gary Gallopin: Beyond Perestroika: Axiology and the New Russian Entrepreneurs, (Amsterdam - Atlanta, Editions Rodopi, 2009)
Rem B. Edwards, What Today's Methodists Need to Know about John Wesley, (Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2018)
This book does not directly mention Hartman or Axiology, but it is still an application of Axiology to John Wesley's thought.
Rem B. Edwards, John Wesley’s Values—And Ours, (Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2012)
Rem B. Edwards, Spiritual Values and Evaluations, (Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2012)
Rem B. Edwards, An Axiological Process Ethics, (Claremont, CA: Process Century Press, 2014)

John Davis, Value and Valuation, Axiological Studies in Honor of Robert S. Hartman, University of Tennessee Press; 1st edition (January 1, 1972)
A group of essays by 24 diverse contributors

W.H. Werkmeister, Historical Spectrum of Value Theories, Johnsen Pub. Co (January 1, 1970)

W.H. Werkmeister, Historical Spectrum of Value Theories, Vol. 2, The Anglo/American Group, Johnsen Publishing (January 1, 1973)
Volume 2 includes Werkmeister's synopsis of Hartman's work.

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Rem B. Edwards, What Caused the Big Bang?, Brill Pub. Co (2001)