
Board President Letter
2020 Conference Updates
Membership Reminders
Journal of Axiology Updates
Contributions & Publications Notice
Dear ,
Happy New Year greetings!
2019 has been a year of serious progress and we are grateful. We finally have a brand new website, thanks to Suzie Price and Doug Lawrence, with Rick Bowers’ help as well. And we had a really successful conference, thanks to Cliff Hurst and his Westminster team.
Now we’re gearing up for 2020. Yes, we have many practitioners who use several different systems based on the Hartman Value Profile. One of our hopes is to help one another serve people through that gem.
Another of our hopes is to help the world renew itself through Hartman’s thinking. What a wonderful world it would be if we spread the value brilliance of this man.
As one who teaches Ethics in Public Administration, I am so overjoyed at how the county and city government employees I teach respond to Freedom to Live: The Robert Hartman Story. That book has been a real gift for them. Hopefully, as the Institute continues to publish more and more of Hartman’s work, we will see his impact slowly change the world.
Thank you for being part of the Institute. And if you are just one who reads the newsletter, think of joining. You would have access to so much more as a result.
Many warm wishes for a great 2020.
K.T. Connor, PhD RSHI Board President


Suzie Price (VP, IT/Social Media) will be our 2020 Conference Host in Knoxville.
I'm excited to be the RSHI Conference Host this year! We have the opportunity to build upon on the positive momentum created by Cliff Hurst and his team from the very successful 2019 Conference at Westminster College in Salt Lake! See 2019 Conference highlights and photos, here.
We are busy nailing down logistics at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. (If you have UT connections - I would love to talk to you! Please reach out.) We are also brainstorming theme ideas and getting marketing materials in place. Our goal is a minimum of 100 attendees.
This year we will continue with Pre-Conference Training the day before on October 14th. This is a great time to bring together your clients, prospects and colleagues. There will be a limit on the number of pre-conference sessions we can include. Please contact me to indicate your interest.
We would also like feedback around the topics and speakers that are important to you. What would make you want to come to the 2020 Conference? Contact me with your ideas!
Suzie Price VP of IT/Social Media


Catherine Blakemore (VP of Membership) was voted onto the board in October 2019 and is actively working to enhance your membership experience. She invites any and all members to contact her with their thoughts, suggestions or questions: [email protected].
Download the Member's Area Guide


We are now inviting submissions of papers for consideration of publication in the 2020 volume of the Journal of Formal Axiology: Theory and Practice.
For the 2020 volume, we are especially interested in articles that pertain to teleological applications of Hartman’s theory. Don’t be put off by the word “teleology.” It simply means “self-directed, goal-oriented change over time.” If you are using the theory of formal axiology, and/or the HVP in settings such as executive coaching, personal coaching, counseling, or leadership development, you are helping a client or patient to deliberately change over time. These are teleological applications of formal axiology. We welcome case studies, empirical or theoretical papers related to this theme.
We also will consider papers on matters of formal axiology that are not necessarily related to this year’s theme.
Guidelines for submission, as stated in the front pages of the Journal, are:
- This journal is published once a year by the Robert S. Hartman Institute. All articles must have an obvious connection with the formal axiology or value theory of Robert S. Hartman and its applications. Articles may be critical, constructive, creative, theoretical, or applied. None dealing with axiology in general will be considered. Articles must advance our understanding of Hartmanian axiology and/or what can be done with it. No manuscripts will be accepted that merely summarize what is already known, or that have been previously published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere.
- MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted as e-mail attachments to Cliff Hurst at: [email protected]. They should be in MS Word format, 12 point type. Articles will be subject to blind review, so the name of and contact information for the author(s) should appear only on the title page, which will be deleted by the Editor before sending the article on to members of our Editorial Advisory Board or to other reviewers for their blind assessment of its worthiness for publication.
Also, remember that one of your RSHI Membership Benefits is access to all Journals, located in the Members Only Area, just login here. (If you are not a Member yet, join here.)
Cliff Hurst, PhD VP of Research


The Robert S. Hartman Institute would love your support if you feel inspired by his work and this community!
We do not have employees. The Institute is managed by caring volunteers who give freely of their time to manage the website, conduct research, run the conferences, track members, publish Journals and more!
We use contributions to cover hard costs - such as paying for tech and research support, covering the cost of the website, the journals and our conferences. And - we'd like to do so much more. Help us offset hard cost expenses like this.
Join in on our vision to evolve and grow the way the world works, acts and thinks by sharing the work of the science of values!
Help us share Hartman's peaceful messages and the path to self-awareness and self-actualization. Your contributions can help us spread these messages and keep Hartman's work alive.
Download the RSHI Contribution Guide

