In This Issue...
- WWHD? Change the World for the Better
- 2019 Annual Conference
- Board of Directors
- Why People Join RSHI
- Hartman's Work Impacts Research
- Vision, Mission and Strategy

Details and Register Here
WWHD? Change the World for the Better
“WWHD?" In these days where chaos and divisiveness seem to appear too frequently, ‘What would Hartman Do?’ How might he address the times?”
“The Institute calls us together to envision how we can "Change the World for the Better." We feel by exploring, refining and enhancing Hartman's legacy, we all can make a difference. Our Strategic Map points us in that direction. Celebrating the power of our combined differences and the richness of each individual, it seems only fitting that we seek to spread his spirit through peace building and making his work more available and more impactful.”
These two paragraphs were in our Institute newsletter over 8 years ago, and yet it is still critical.
Our current strategy is in this newsletter. Read it, let us know what ideas you have for achieving it, and how you might want to get involved.
The Institute calls us together in many ways, one very important one being the Annual Conference. This year it’s once again in Salt Lake City. Be sure to check it out here and register to join us, here. We would love to have you with us. Read more about it in on our new website and in this newsletter.
This year has been deep in website transformation work. I know some of you have had trouble in the past renewing and accessing the good materials we have for members. That’s why we started all over again to build a strong and engaging site. Let us know how me can make that site worth your while! And many thanks to Rick Bowers, who employed his own staff to try to solve our problems, and Suzie Price and Doug Lawrence who took on the task of reconstructing. We owe them much. Our new site is opening up many opportunities for “exploring, refining, and enhancing Hartman’s legacy,” as we sought to do in the quote above.
If there are any thought you have to help us make this possible, please let us know. Please join us in Salt Lake City!
K.T. Connor, PhD
Attention RSHI Members:
- Update your Member Profile, in the new Member Directory
- Connect with other Members by reviewing the updated Membership Directory
- Access one of your Member Benefits - download eleven Volumes of the Journal of Formal Axiology, which has been published once a year, since 2008.
If you'd like to become a Member, review the benefits and join us, here.
2019 Annual Conference
Join us, October 23rd and 24th, and let’s change the world from there. This will be the 43rd annual conference of the Hartman Institute. Details and registration, here.
The Robert S. Hartman Institute for Formal and Applied Axiology was founded in 1976 as a not-for-profit corporation in order to preserve, refine, advance, and make better known to the world the work begun by Hartman.
Never before has the need—or the opportunity—to bring Hartman’s message to the world been greater than it is today.
DOES IT SEEM THAT THE WORLD HAS GONE WONKY? • More wealth is being created in the world today than ever before in history, but to whose benefit? • People tend to work in exchange for money, yet what they seek is meaning in their lives and ways to make a positive difference in the world. • Wars continue for decades, with no winners, only losers. • The threat of nuclear annihilation hovers over our heads like dark clouds. • Politics is polarized, and, thus, nearly paralyzed.
Robert Hartman had much to say about all of these matters. Through the lens of his theory known as formal axiology, new answers may be found to help us deal with these issues and more.
In Hartman’s own words: “For the first time, we feel, scientific knowledge and mastery of physical nature can be matched by scientific knowledge and mastery of our moral nature. The problems of love, of creativeness, of ethical goodness, as well as their opposites, seem to be susceptible to exact study. Just as the First Renaissance ushered in an age of natural science, so it is now possible that we are in the first stage of a Second Renaissance, a breakthrough toward an age of ethical science.”
Here are 13 reasons to attend this year's conference. Reserve your place now at the 2019 Hartman Institute annual conference. Register online.
- K.T. Connor, PhD, President
- Adina Borta,Secretary
- Robert Calabrese,Treasurer
- Rick Bowers, VP, IT/Social Media
- Doug Lawrence, VP, Education
- Cliff Hurst, PhD, VP, Research
- Andrea Burns, European Chapter
- Gilberto Carrasco, Latin American Chapter
- Jay Morris, Director at Large
- Darlene Clark,Wisdom Council Representative
- Jennifer Rowley, Director at Large
- Suzie Price, Director at Large
- Richard Worthington, Director at Large
- Stacey McNutt, Hartman Family Representative
Board Contact Information, Here.
Have You Ever Wondered When and Why People Have Joined the Institute?
2019 Robert S. Hartman Institute Member Survey Report Anthony Nicoletti of the Institute for Excellence, Yale New Haven Health System, completed for the Board a survey of the members.42 members completed the survey, yielding a 36.5% response rate.
Of those who replied, the following is the time of joining:
This chart shows the range of initial registrations. For the years with no entry, there may have been registrations among those who did not reply to the survey. Moreover, 12% of the respondents indicated that there had been some gaps in their membership. Among reasons given was being forget to renew and problems with website renewing.
One respondent even noted that they “originally joined the Institute originally in 2006, went to my first Conference in 2008. Took a break on and off since then. Back on without a break since 2015.”
One of the most important questions, and one the Board will explore more deeply, is the reason for joining and the reason for remaining a member. The words most used when describing why they remained were the following, from most frequent to least:
- Learn/Learning/Learned, Hartman’s Work, Support, Members. HVP.
In expressing why they joined at all, other words seen frequently were:
- “the conference,” “the Journal,” and “knowledge” and “research.”
All of these are combined in the Learn/Learning/Learned item.
The Board will be going through the entire survey and explore how to increase the ease with which members join and remain, but also deepening the benefits of being a member—and encouraging members to be a benefit to creation of a better world!
Hartman’s Work Impacts Research
Two RSHI Board members spoke at two different academic conferences in an effort to share knowledge of Hartman’s contribution to qualitative and quantitative research.
Educational VP Doug Lawrence made a presentation at the Nicolai Hartmann International Conference at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The title of his Presentation was Advances in Field Theory that Expound and Expand upon the Axiology of Nicolai Hartmann. The presentation was centered around using physical field theory concepts to illustrate both moral and ethical fields, along the use of field radiation to illustrate radiated value. Foundational to the presentation was the fact that Robert Hartman was heavily influenced by Nicolai Hartmann’s (1852-1950) work .
RSH’s Ph.D. thesis: Can Field Theory be Applied to Ethics? and his subsequent 1948 article in the Journal of Philosophy The Moral Situation: A Field Theory of Ethics provided the springboard for this approach. The attendees were Philosophy Professors from Universities in Eastern and Western Europe (some 11 different countries represented). It was very interesting to see and learn more about the contrast of general axiology and Robert Hartman’s formal axiology. Doug looks forward to furthering the relationship with this group an d the interesting people he met.
President K.T. Connor made a presentation at the conference of the Academy of Business Research in Niagara Falls Canada. Her presentation involved statistical analysis of the relation of specific HVP results to both age and gender. She stressed the value of HVP assessment and used an extensive set of data from a major international corporation. Specific competence differences correlated with both age and gender. It was determined that these were a result not of assessment bias but of environmental impact.
Participants were members of universities both nationally and internationally and responded positively to her results and implications. Moreover, a presenter from the previous day indicated that her results supported his behavioral research on Millennials.
Change the World for the Better
Develop, Promulgate and Apply Hartman’s Value Science.
STRATEGY #1: Create, Continue, and Support Formal Value Science
1. Gather the information of formal Value Science.
A. Capture the knowledge and experience of the Wisdom Council.
B. Begin working with the archives.
C. Organize the archives.
D. Protect and preserve the archives.
E. Compile existing works in Value Science.
2. Research the information of formal Value Science.
3. Have more people educated in formal Value Science.
STRATEGY #2: Create an Environment of Collaboration, not Competition
1. Build a network of Value Science developers, researchers, and users.
A. Create a committee of developers and users
1) The Wisdom Council Representative will implement
B. Implement a project working together on topics such as politics, social work, spirituality/ministry, and/or education
C. Create a list of referrals
D. Publish a set of samples from different tools
2. Facilitate Value Science developers, researchers, and users working together.
3. Encourage a commitment to making the world better through Value Science.
STRATEGY #3: Have More People Use Value Science in More Fields
1. Develop practical applications and explanations of Value Science.
2. Promote the information and application of Value Science.
3. Have more people educated in Hartman’s Value Science.
4. Develop practical research in Value Science.